Chief Minister Ebrahim graces the State of Bangsamoro Women Address

COTABATO CITY (November 28, 2023) — Chief Minister Ahod B. Ebrahim graced the State of Bangsamoro Women Address that focused on 18th Day Campaign to End Violence Against Women in support of support the VAW (Violence Against Women)-Free Bangsamoro held at SKCC, Bangsamoro Government Center, this city, on Tuesday, November 28.
The programme, hosted by the Bangsamoro Women Commission (BWC), supports the campaign’s objective of providing the public with current details on laws to safeguard women.
In his solidarity message, Ebrahim expressed his support for the 18th Day Campaign to end violence against Women.
He emphasized the crucial role of women in quest to attend the level of self governance nowadays.
“It is a testament to our steadfast commitment to be united for Violence Against Women (VAW) Free Bangsamoro and to protect the rights of girls has been enshrined in the Constitution,” said Chief Minister Ebrahim.
He added, “The path to progress can only be achieved when every woman is given an equal opportunity to realize their utmost potential and to contribute to the development of the government of Bangsamoro.”
The chief minister explained that they will continue to do their task to safeguard women to be partners of the Bangsamoro government on their journey towards empowered, cohesive and progressive Bangsamoro.
“We will continue to invest in the eradication of violence against women in Bangsamoro. We will continue to work for their welfare and promote inherent rights,” said Ebrahim.
Bainon G. Karon, Chairperson of BWC gave her statement about the violence against women urging the people to take an initiative and align with the campaign’s objectives.
“It weaves the women, peace and security agency into the fabric of local governance, fortifying communities and emphasizing women’s crucial role in fostering lasting peace,” Karon said.
Republic Act No 10398 or the act declaring November 25 of every year as the National Consciousness Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women was also highlighted in the program.
The law gives women an awareness on the problem of violence and to protect them from abusive people.
The United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Population Fund, and other development partners have supported the program. Their mission is to empower indigenous women throughout the BARMM region. (Nurjanna Dalao Alijam, BMN/BangsamoroToday)