Alhuffaz Charity Foundation in Southern PH holds Musabaqah Qur’aniyah Awarding Ceremony

COTABATO CITY (April 21, 2023) – The Alhuffaz Charity Foundation in Southern Philippines Inc. organized the Musabaqah Qur’aniyah Awarding Ceremony at Shariff Kabunsuan Cultural Complex, Bangsamoro Government Center, Cotabato City, BARMM, on April 19 which corresponds to the 28th Ramadhan 1444 AH.
The organizer thanked those who participated and supported the conduct of the Holy Qur’an memorization competition among the female students of the affiliated Qur’anic center halakat.
In her opening remarks, Ustadha Halima Ahmad, the Musrifah of Shu’un Fisma Hafidhath, said, “Niya ko mambityala na pidtalo ba niya a fismul hafizhat, pidtalo a fismul hafizhat a lumpukan no mga babae a namakalangag sa Qur’an a pamuluwan a kaka tano siya sa suonul Qur’an.”
[What I can talk with you is about the fismul hafidhat which is the group of female qur’an memorizers headed by our sister here in the suonul Qur’an]
“Su niya ba lumpukan na niya lon kinapatindeg ataw a niya ludzuan a kinapatindeg lun na kano 2012, nya lun kahanda sa kinapatindeg lun na indu makatabang siya kano kapedtiyakap kano mga babae a mga Bangsamoro ataw ka su mga wata nu Bangsamoro a mga babae sa iganat kano kapangagi kanu Qur’an,” she added.
[This institution was established in 2012 with the intention of helping the female children of the Bangsamoro in learning the Qur’an]
Sheikh Mas’od Mohammadali Lantong, the chairman of suonul Qur’an, said, “Embagilan tanu so Fismul Hafidhath a niya taman sa makuma sa o dikagaga sa pilatiman e mga markadz aniya papelodupan a hafidza bu na lemedso tanu sa satiman o duwatiman Inshaallah swt.”
[Let us strengthen this Fismul Hafidhath to the most number of completers it can produce. Mostly of markhadz started with one or two learners]
The member of the CCCH MILF Deputy Base Comander of 128 Base Command, Ustadh Abu Shaima Hussain, said their leaders want that their younger generation to learnt the Qur’an and that event he adult Muslims are striving to learn this holy book of Islam.
Johaina Mohamad, MPA and former presidents of jummaya til ulmidath organization said that avery action should come from a pure or good intention.
Ustadha Fauziyah Ibrahim, the guest speaker, said, “Itago tanu sa ginawa i niya ba panggagian tanu banya na d’kina siya bu sa dunya ka lu tanu inya kakwa e unga nin sa yaumul qiyama, sikanu a mga wata nami pangagi kanu sa iklas lillahi ta allah swt kapig ikhlas.”
[Bear in mind that what you study here is not for this world only but also for the hereafter. You should study with good intention and for the sake of Allah]
She also advised the learners to learn how to win the mercy of Allah and that one way is to show respect and love both parents.
Wafa Esmael, representative of United Muslim Youth Organization (UMYO), said their group is supportive of the activity particularly if it is for their religion, Islam.
Ustadha Warda Lantong and Ustadha Forna Salam Alik facilitated the giving of certificates to the winners.
The winner for the1st level (fal owl awal) in suratul nas to surahtul mujadah is Juhaira Mona who got the al-faizatusalisa (3rd placer) from mufaza Iranon; 2nd placer (al-faizatusania) Hayla Mindal from muhafaza of Dimakling; 1st placer (Al-Faizatula) is Normina Bolilo from muhafaza of Ligawasan.
For the 2nd level of the award (far usani) in suratul nas to suratul alqaf, the 3rd placer (al-farasani) Umaiyah Hsain Kasim from Maguindanao, 2nd placer (al-faizatusania) is Halima Butuan from Bandar Cotabato and the 1st placer (al-faizatula) is Suhaila Antao from muhafaza of Maguindanao.
For the 3rd level of the award (far salis) of suratul nas to surahtul rhon azara aziza, the 3rd placer (al-faizatutalisa) is Samera Tumalao from muhafaza of Ligawasan, the 2nd placer (al-faizatusania) is Armida Abdulbayan from muhafaza of Ligawasan and the 1st placer (al-faizatulala) is Yusrah Abdulkahar from muhafaza of Bandar Cotabato.
For the 4th level of the award (farqarabia) of surahtul nas to surahtul qhar, the 3rd placer is Norsida Luna from muhafaza of Ligawasan, the 2nd placer is Laila Kahir lantong from muhafaza of Damakling and the 1st placer is Rasma Abdullakim from muhafaza of Bandar.
The special awards were given to this following:
1. Ustadha Fahmiyah Abdulmaguid
2. Zahari Macacua Rajab
3. Alhadza Hanan Kamama Diyanang
4. Alhadea Fariha Abdullah Yusop
5. Namraida Norudi Abdulmawla
On the closing remarks of the program, Ustadh Salahudin Lantong thanked Allahu ta Ala that they were able to do good deed which was a blessing and a will from the Almighty. ###(BMN-USM/BSIR Interns/, Photo by Ali-Emran U. Abutazil/BMN/BangsamoroToday)