MILF Social Welfare Committee members holds 4th General Assembly in Guindulungan

COTABATO CITY (December 26, 2023) — About 3,000 Bangsamoro women flocked at Guindulungan, Maguindanao del Sur, for the 4th General Assembly of the Social Welfare Committee of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Kutawato Province on Sunday morning, December 24, 2023.
The group of women who came from different towns in the provinces of Maguindanao Del Norte and Maguindanao Del Sur which included the elderly, children and young women expressed their support for the peace and development in the Bangsamoro region.
The SWC assembly was attended by officials from the Bangsamoro Government such as Member of Parliament Datu Tawakal Midtimbang, Former MP Datu Mibpantao Antao Midtimbang Sr., and the mayor of Guindulungan himself.
MP Midtimbang, the guest of honor, said that Bangsamoro women were instrumental in achieving the fruits of Jihad in the Bangsamoro homeland. “So it is right that they should be given a great value as Islam protect Muslim women,” he added.
Former MP Midtimbang Sr. said that one of the big bearers in Bangsamoro struggle for the right to self-determination are the women where sweat, fatigue, hunger and thirst have been experienced as part of their sacrifices for the struggle.
“This is just a demonstration that the Bangsamoro have not yet been shaken by any challenges they faced and it may come, they continued work to promote the Bangsamoro government’s desire that no one should be left behind, even women’s groups,” he added. (Tu Alid Alfonso, BMN/BangsamoroToday with a report from Julhamir Dimapalao of DXJC Voice FM Cotabato)