DepEd Gensan recognizes outstanding ALIVE and IPED teachers

GENERAL SANTOS CITY (December 10, 2023) – The Department of Education Schools Division of General Santos City (DepEd Gensan) recognized outstanding teachers of Indigenous People Education (IPED) and Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) during the Parangalan 2023 held at the Greenleaf Hotel in General Santos City on December 8, 2023.
The three (3) ALIVE teachers are Soraida Macadatar Kinjiyo (Rank 1st), Satra Omar Sali (Rank 2nd), and Hosna Pangolima Mohamad (Rank 3rd), while the two (2) IPED teachers are Maricel Salinda Kasaligan (Rank 1st) and Claudine Taluna Talon (Rank 2nd), who all belong to the 2023 Outstanding Teaching and Non-Teaching Employees of DepEd Gensan.
The recognition is in line with the Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) of the DepEd through DepEd Order No. 9, Series of 2002, and the Search for Outstanding Public Officials and Employees being conducted by the Civil Service Commission annually as per CSC Memorandum Circular No. 03 Series of 2016.
“The Parangalan was aimed at recognizing outstanding teaching and non-teaching employees who have demonstrated outstanding performances, exemplary innovations, and continuing commitment,” Isagani S. Dela Cruz, CESO V, the Schools Division Superintendent of DepEd Gensan, said in a Schools Division Memorandum issued on December 4, 2023.
The memo further stated that the recognition encourages and prepares their human resources to participate more competitively in the regional and national-level honor awards programs.
The three ALIVE teachers were instrumental in producing self-learning modules that were used by ALIVE learners during the pandemic as writers and validators.
They also served as trainers and coaches for their contestants in the ALIVE Musabaqa (academic competitions) at the divisional and regional levels and as volunteer support staff for various activities of the Madrasah Education Program of the DepEd-Gensan.
In 2020, Kinjiyo was recognized as a “Hero Teacher” by the Gokongwei Brothers Foundation and Smart Parenting for going the extra mile, initiating relief goods outsourcing and distribution for pupils and their families who were affected by the pandemic.
She also served as a resource person for the traditional Madrasah teachers during the teaching enhancement training hosted by the City Mayor’s Office Integrated Cultural Communities Affairs Division (CMO-ICCAD), the unit of LGU Gensan that caters that provides responsive programs and services for the indigenous cultural communities.
Kasaligan and Talon are actively engaged in activities promoting the Blaan culture and tradition in the IP communities.
As a cultural expert, Kasaligan serves as a trainer in traditional beads making and Blaan music and dance in cultural preservation-related activities conducted by the CMO-ICCAD.
Keynote Speaker Dr. Mario M. Bermudez, Director III of the Bureau of Human Resource and Organization Development of the Department of Education Central Office, said, “Today’s occasion highlights the complimentary and crucial roles of the division of General Santos in building, recognizing good performing and even empowered personnel to ensure better delivery of education services to all the Generals (Gensan constituents).”
He underscored the four C’s possessed by the awardees that helped them achieve recognition, which are competence, collaboration, commitment, and character.
“These four C’s will be your guide to continuously keep the flame burning within you so that somehow the flame will be seen by all people around you, for your co-teacher, for your administrators, and even your parents, your learners, to be one more inspired to become one as you,” Bermudez said.