Macacua relates the journey of his appointment by Malacañan as Maguindanao del Norte governor

COTABATO CITY (April 10, 2023) – Senior Member of the Parliament Honorable Abdulraof A. Macacua related on Sunday (April 9) at Gambar, Kabuntalan, Maguindanao del Norte the journey of his appointment by President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. as the governor of the newly-created province at Malacañan Palace on April 5, 2023 at around 10 o’clock in the morning.
On that day, Macacua returned at Gambar to celebrate in a form of ‘Kanduli’ or thanksgiving with his family, friends, colleagues in the Bangsamoro Parliament, representatives of the Bangsamoro Civil Society Organizations, officials of Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF, and the nine (9) unified Mayors of the existing province.
Also present in the celebration was the Bangsamoro Chief Minister Honorable Ahod Balawag Ebrahim who arrived in the evening and relayed his message of support before the crowd.
Various officials in the government and other stakeholders expressed their support to Macacua with confidence that newly installed governor can lead the province into development with his leadership.
The Muslim leaders present in event believed that President Marcos, Jr., made his right decision by choosing Macacua to the position as the governor of the newly created province.
They trusted his capacity to lead equipped with principle towards change and determination to set prosperous development for Maguindanao del Norte.
In his speech, he revealed that “the President being the authority to appoint decided to appoint me as an OIC Governor of the Province because of a reasons that, and he said, ‘by choosing a leader who he believed that has passion to development and courage to take a lead with transparency and commitment is the one I chose and that is you, Governor Macacua,” he related further.
Macacua conveyed his platform for the province citing, “To make Maguindanao del Norte as best province in the BARMM, a leadership with cooperation and coordination with the stakeholders, with transparency on the implementation of programs and projects and with sense of accountability on leadership and management.”
He ended his message urging everyone to respect the decision of the President who aims to have a genuine development in the country especially in the BARMM region. ### (Faydiyah Samanodi Akmad, BMN/BangsamoroToday, Photo by Nhor-Hamen S. Aplal, BMN-USM BSIR Intern)