MBHTE turns-over P22-M school building in Lamitan City

COTABATO CITY (March 16) – The Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education (MBHTE) turned-over a 2-storey 10 classroom flagship school building at Parangbasak National High School under Lamitan City Division on March 11, 2023.
Subsidized under the Special Development Fund (SDF), the project was amounted to Php 22,134,000.00.
The MBHTE sent Deputy Minister Haron Meling to facilitate the turn-over of the learning facility which he described as “first time for the beautiful island of Basilan to have such kind of building.”
Present in the turn-over of the classroom was Schools Division Superintendent of Lamitan City Dr Myra Mangkabung.
“Alhamdulillah done with the turn over ceremony of two story building with 10 classrooms at Parangbasak NHS. Thank you to our dear Minister Mohagher Iqbal for prioritizing the said school to decongest the overcrowded classrooms,” a message of Mangkabung posted on her Facebook.
The education ministry is hopeful that the 11 schools division would get school building projects and other educational services that are relevant and responsive to the needs of the Bangsamoro educational community. ### (Mikie A. Mamacan/BMN-USM BSIR Intern/BangsamoroToday, Photo courtesy Myra Borja Mangkabung)