Official Statement of LENTE on the passage of the Bangsamoro Electoral Code

Since 2020, Legal Network for Truthful Elections (LENTE), in its various roles and capacities, assisted and participated in the development of the Bangsamoro Electoral Code (BEC). LENTE has employed a multi-stakeholder approach and conducted consultations and focused group discussions with various government agencies, election law experts, civil society organizations, and the BTA Parliament. The organization provided policy recommendations and significant technical work to the BEC up to its passage.
The Legal Network for Truthful Elections would like to congratulate the Bangsamoro Transition Authority Parliament, especially the Committee on Rules, for the swift enactment of the Bangsamoro Electoral Code of 2023 or the Bangsamoro Autonomy Act No. 35.
We are grateful for the opportunities you have given, allowing us to conduct various consultations in the Region which resulted to institutional partnership with the Ministry of Basic, Higher and Technical Education (MBHTE) for the integration of the Bangsamoro History and Bangsamoro Parliamentary System in the Senior High School Curriculum and allowing us to provide insights and recommendations to the Committee on Rules and to other members of the Parliament.
We highly value the collaboration and LENTE remains committed to work with all stakeholders, especially in the BARMM, to continuously lobby for pending legislations, such as the BARMM Regional Political Party Subsidy Fund, and Redistricting, and capacitate the Bangsamoro people in preparation for the first Parliamentary Elections in 2025.
(Disclaimer: This is a statement from LENTE, whatever its content has nothing to do with BMN/BangsamoroToday)